la vérité au sujet du truthiness
Many people are surprised to learn that Stephen Colbert was born in France. As a young boy in the town of Fronsac in the Bordeaux region, he would go home each day after school and work for his parents on the family farm. After his father's goat-cheese business failed, Colbert went by boat to the U.S. To help make ends meet (and egged on by friends who adored his Franco-American delivery and comic timing), Colbert performed at a small comedy club in New York City one Friday night on a lark. As the French say, "Il a tue [He killed]!" You know the rest of the story.
Posted Sunday, Apr. 30, 2006,
A grande "merci" goes out to L'Ian et Le James who brought back these photos on their pilgrimmage to the homeland of Monsieur Colbert.
Les Boys shopped at "Boutique Colbert" for les souvenirs de Colbert and l'autre fromage...
And instead of elbowing their way through the crowds of tourists searching for the key to the Da Vinci code at the Louvre, our Colbert-Crusaders paid hommage at the "Galerie Colbert."
I'm looking forward to hearing more about le trip over a runny Camembert and a bottle of vin rouge served by a snotty garçon in the very near future. Welcome home guys - and thanks for the photos!
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