Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I don't know what they were thinking...

but Queen Video gave me my very own membership!!!

Thank God for that Privacy Act thing because without it Blockbuster would have warned all the local video stores of my problem with returning movies on time...I swear, half of my net income for 2004 went to pay my late fines at Sun Video ...I think I put the owner's kids through medical school with all the fees I paid those bastards...

Anyway...I plan to coccoon myself on the rainiest day this weekend and watch;

And the best news is that they are not due back for a whole week!!!

Yeah, I know, I'm a movie geek...who else (besides Woody Allen) would be looking forward to spending the long weekend watching a 4 1/2 hour documentary about the French Vichy Government collaborating with the Nazi's between 1940-1944...that's just the kind of wild and crazy gal that I am...