A Civic's Lesson for A Congress Woman...
without a doubt, the best "Better Know A District" yet...
Civic's homework;
1. Is The District of Columbia part of the Unites States of America?
2. Why does it not have a vote in neither the House nor the Senate?
2. Should a Congress-person vote in federal elections?
4. What is an "environ?"
3. Is Colbert just a "Plain Vanilla" man, or a "French Vanilla" man?...
Civic's homework;
1. Is The District of Columbia part of the Unites States of America?
2. Why does it not have a vote in neither the House nor the Senate?
2. Should a Congress-person vote in federal elections?
4. What is an "environ?"
3. Is Colbert just a "Plain Vanilla" man, or a "French Vanilla" man?...
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